Sunday 26 June 2011

Keupayaan untuk Berkomunikasi Dalam Rangkaian..

Untuk berkomunikasi kita memerlukan:


Dalam berkomunikasi dalam rangkaian terdapat 3 jenis isyarat komunikasi iaitu:

1.Masa permintaan tamat(RTO)
3.Destinasi tidak sampai(Destination Unreachable)

Terdapat beberapa TCI/IP utiliti yang perlu kita ketahui iaitu:

1.ARP-Displays and modifies the Address Resolution protocol (ARP) cache. This cache is a local table used to resolve IP addresses to media access control addresses used on the local network. For more information, see Arp and Address Resolution Protocol (ARP).

2.Nbstat-Displays the local NetBIOS name table, a table of NetBIOS names registered by local programs, and the NetBIOS name cache, a local cache listing of NetBIOS computer names that have been resolved to IP addresses. For more information, see Nbtstat and Release and refresh NetBIOS names by using the nbtstat command.

3.Netstat-Displays TCP/IP protocol session information. For more information, see Netstat.

4.Ping-Verifies configurations and tests IP connectivity. For more information, see Ping and Test a TCP/IP configuration by using the ping command.

5.Route-Displays or modifies the local routing table. For more information, see Route.

6.Tracert-Traces the route a packet takes to a destination. For more information, see Tracert and Trace a path by using the tracert command.

7.Pathping-Traces the route a packet takes to a destination and displays information on packet losses for each router in the path. Pathping can also be used to troubleshoot Quality of Service (QoS) connectivity. For more information, see Using the pathping command.

8.Nslookup-Checks records, domain host aliases, domain host services, and operating system information by querying DNS servers. For more information, see Nslookup and Verify DNS registration for domain controllers using the nslookup command.

9.Ipconfig-Displays the current TCP/IP configuration. Also used to manually release and renew TCP/IP configurations assigned by a DHCP server. For more information, see Ipconfig and Command-line utilities.

Syarat-syarat alamat  ip yang membolehkan berkomunikasi antara satu sama lain:

1.Subnet mask mesti sama
2.Setiap oktek subnet mask yang bernilai 255,alamat ip mesti sama tak boleh berubah.
3.Jika oktek subnet mask "0",ia boleh berubah dari  "1-254".

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